المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نماذج اسئله فى ماده الانجليزى للصف الاول الثانوى

صقر الازهريه
05-01-2009, 03:38 AM
بعض الاسئله للصف الاول الثانوى

1- What does the storytelle r say about "truth"?

- It is much stranger and more interestin g than stories.

2- What were the speakers talking about?

- They were talking about unusual events having no natural explanatio n.

3- Who included the storytelle r in the talk?

- Dabney, one of the speakers.

4- Why were there patches of dampness on the wall?

- As the house was old and the place was damp.

5- What was strange about the face on the wall?

- It looked like the face of a real man.

6- Why did the storytelle r go to places where people collected together in large numbers?

- As he felt that he would meet the real man there.

7- Where did he see the real man for the first time?

- He saw him in a taxi driving along Piccadilly .

8- Why did Mr Ormand Wall give his card to the stranger?

- As he thought the stranger was a mad man and considered it best to do what he wanted.

9- What happened to the face on the wall when Mr Ormond Wall died?
Rewrite the folloiwng sentences using the world(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- The meeting was held at the hotel (the hotel)

- The hotel was the place where the meeting was held.

2- The Sand cat is a wild animal. It lives in Egypt. (which)

- The sandcat which lives in Egypt is a wild animal.

3- He has got a pen friend. His father is a pilot (whose)

- He has a pen friend whose father is a pilot.

4- She spent a month in Port Said. She was brought up there. (where)

- She spent a month in Port Said where she was brought up.

5- William Shakespear e wrote "Macbeth". He was English. (who)

6- Jules Verne was born in Nantes. It's in the north of France. (which)

- Jules Verne was born in Nantes which is in the north of France

7- Mu cousin is a writer. He lives in Tanta. (who)

- My cousin who lives in Tanta is a writer.

8- He spent a week in Aswan. He met Sherif there. (where)

- He spent a week in Aswan where he met Sherif.

9- Elissa sings beautifull y. She is Lebanese. (who)

- Elisssa who sings beautifull y is Lebanese.

10- She visited Mansoura. She was educated there. (where)

- She visited Mansoura where she was educated.

11- He sold the old car. He bought it 30 years ago. (which)

- He sold the old car which he bought 30 years ago.

12- He was married to a beautiful young girl. Her father is alawyer. (whose)

- He was married to a beautiful young girl whose father is a lawyer.

13- To run in th erace, I must be less heavy. (lose)

- To run in the race, I must lose some weight.

14- My aunt is a doctor. She lives in Giza. (who)

- My aunt who lives in Giza is a doctor.

15- My family are on holiday, I wish I could see them. (miss)

- My family are on hildiay, I wish I could't miss seeing them.

a) Translate into Arabic:
1- The undergroun d is a magnificen t national project.
2- Egypt has made great achievemen ts in the field of electricit y.

1- إن مترو الأنفاق مشروع قومى فى غاية العظمة.
2- لقد أحرزت مصر إنجازات عظيمة فى مجال الكهرباء.

b) Translate into English
1- يستطيع الجمل السفر فى الصحراء لمدة ط***ة بدون ماء أو طعام.

بالتوفيق ان شاء الله

"صقر الازهريه"

دكتور أميرة مراد
05-01-2009, 08:25 PM
words can not express my happiness
great efforts
god bless you

مستر احمد يحيى
05-03-2009, 12:53 PM
http://cars-club.makto ob.com/yasser/mom.gif

عذبة الروح
02-02-2010, 09:34 PM
يعطيك الف عافيه

خالد جمعه
06-19-2010, 09:53 AM
جزاكم الله خيرا