المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : هام للغاية

05-01-2010, 11:47 AM
ارجو حل هذه الاسئلة من اساتذة المنتدى
i always appreciate and respect people who....... . the truth
(tell /say/think/believe

sameh was born .....in 2001

events of this .....occur red daily
(descripti on/ subtractio n / collection/ attention)

practise well to .....well

(eat/ perform/drink/sleep)

my brother is an officer in the
( hospitals /military forces/ workshops/ schools)

we.......h im when we first met him and we still think he is marevellou s
(hated /despised /admired / disliked)

i know she is.....and reliable so i believe her
(honest/ greedy /liar /lazy )

اوجد الخطا
we stopped halfway up the hill to enjoy the viewer
i received my host warmly
i would like to study english literary
i look forward to meet you
we live at the age of science and technology
a manual machine is designed to work by it self without much human control

ارجو الرد

05-01-2010, 11:56 AM
ارجو حل هذه الاسئلة من اساتذة المنتدى
i always appreciate and respect people who....... . the truth
(tell /say/think/believe

sameh was born .....in 2001

events of this .....occur red daily
(descripti on/ subtractio n / collection/ attention)

practise well to .....well

(eat/ perform/drink/sleep)

my brother is an officer in the
( hospitals /military forces/ workshops/ schools)

we.......h im when we first met him and we still think he is marevellou s
(hated /despised /admired / disliked)

i know she is.....and reliable so i believe her
(honest/ greedy /liar /lazy )

اوجد الخطا
we stopped halfway up the hill to enjoy the viewer
i received my host warmly
i would like to study english literary
i look forward to meet you
we live at the age of science and technology
a manual machine is designed to work by it self without much human control

ارجو الرد
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