المناهج الجديدة 2018 / 2019 :

الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر، لا إله إلا الله، الله أكبر الله أكبر، ولله الحمد، الله أكبر كبيرًا، والحمد لله كثيرًا، وسبحان الله بكرةً وأصيلًا، لا إله إلا الله وحدهُ، صدق وعدهُ ونصر عبدهُ وأعز جندهُ وهزم الأحزاب وحدهُ، لا إله إلا الله ولا نعبدُ إلا إياهُ، مُخلصين له الدين ولو كره الكافرون، اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى آل سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى أصحاب سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى أنصار سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى أزواج سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى ذرية سيدنا محمدٍ، وسلم تسليمًا كثيرً **** كل عام وجميع الأمة الإسلامية بخير


النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4

الموضوع: Look at some invasive plants in Canada

  1. #1
    VIP الصورة الرمزية ROTATOTA
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009

    افتراضي Look at some invasive plants in Canada

    Garlic Mustardlic Mustard
    This plant is called Garlic Mustard or Hedge Garlic, and it really does smell like garlic! Imagine an entire hillside that once was covered in trilliums now covered in this!

    This plant came from Europe and now lives anywhere it can - roadsides, open woods and near homes. It is very easy to pull up and is about 1 metre high.
    It grows in British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec and is a direct competitor with Trout Lillies and Trillium.

    Yellow Flag
    This plant is an Iris called Yellow Flag and grows in almost every province! (BC, SK, AB, MB, ON, QC, NF, NB, NS). It grows in wetlands, ditches and marshes and takes over the area it inhabits, making it difficult for other plants to grow.

    It has no use other than ornamental (to look pretty).

    Purple Loosestrif e
    Most people have heard about this nasty plant and are heading out in groups to try to get rid of it. It came to Canada from Eurasia and now lives almost everywhere (BC, SK, AB, MB, ON, QC, NS, NB, NF, PEI).

    It lives in wetlands, disturbed areas (like bare ground or constructi on sites), and even in gardens. It is a very successful invasive plant because it colonizes (gets its seed to a new place first) very quickly.

    This plant is a pretty flower called Periwinkle . It lives in BC, ON, Quebec, and the Eastern Provinces.

    It likes rich soils, lawns, roadsides. It is an ornamental plant. It is a nasty plant because it excludes other species and prevents them from regrowing.

    Norway Maple
    Canada loves maple trees, but this one isn't very nice! It came from Eurasia (Asia has more maples than we do: we have 10 types, they have 150) and now lives in Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundla nd.
    It grows in towns as a decorative tree on streets and is very good at tolerating pollution.

    Guelder Rose
    This plant is called the Guelder rose and came to 7 provinces (BC, SK, AB, MB, ON, QC, NF) from Eurasia.

    It likes to live in swamps and bogs, along streams and in thickets (big clumps). Although it grows in the woods, animals don't like it because its fruits taste terrible.

  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4

المواضيع المتشابهه

    بواسطة ROTATOTA في المنتدى منتدى كلية العلوم
    مشاركات: 7
    آخر مشاركة: 03-24-2023, 01:18 PM
  2. Plants at risk
    بواسطة ROTATOTA في المنتدى منتدى كلية العلوم
    مشاركات: 3
    آخر مشاركة: 03-24-2023, 01:17 PM

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