المناهج الجديدة 2018 / 2019 :

الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر، لا إله إلا الله، الله أكبر الله أكبر، ولله الحمد، الله أكبر كبيرًا، والحمد لله كثيرًا، وسبحان الله بكرةً وأصيلًا، لا إله إلا الله وحدهُ، صدق وعدهُ ونصر عبدهُ وأعز جندهُ وهزم الأحزاب وحدهُ، لا إله إلا الله ولا نعبدُ إلا إياهُ، مُخلصين له الدين ولو كره الكافرون، اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى آل سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى أصحاب سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى أنصار سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى أزواج سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى ذرية سيدنا محمدٍ، وسلم تسليمًا كثيرً **** كل عام وجميع الأمة الإسلامية بخير


النتائج 1 إلى 6 من 6


  1. #1
    VIP الصورة الرمزية nour
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009


    Hello everybody

    Summary Of Tess

    Phase The Forth

    Chapter 25

    Angel, seeing that he has frightened Tess and himself with his outburst of affection, decides to avoid her for a while and sort out his feelings.

    He thinks she is the right sort of wife for him because she knows about farming and is willing and able to help out. But before he makes a firm decision, he decides to talk to his parents about it, so he heads home to Emminister . At home he finds that he is even a greater stranger to his family now that he is accustomed to farm life and he finds his family stagnant in their thoughts and habits, which bothers him greatly

    Chapter 26

    Angel finally talks to his parents about choosing a wife, and they are happy to recommend Mercy Chant, but he argues that she would not make a good farmer's wife because she is too refined and delicate. Angel wears his parents down into accepting the idea that a woman from farm life would make a better farmer's wife than Mercy Chant. He assures his parents that the woman he has in mind is virtuous and pure, and his parents agree to meet her.

    Clare accompanie s Angel part of the way out of town, and he tells his son about his failed attempt to convert a wild, young man, Alec d'Urbervil le. Mr. Clare explains that Alec is not legitimate ly part of the line of the d'Urbervil les from Kingsbere famous for their family curse, but a merchant family instead. Angel appreciate s old families for the history of their heritage, but he does not believe that being from an old family makes anyone important or special because of their name

    Chapter 27

    Angel arrives back at Talbothays just as the nap hour of the afternoon is ending and he catches Tess alone downstairs . He hugs her and tells her that he's come back so soon just to see her. He helps Tess skim the milk from the morning and they are alone together. He asks her to marry him and Tess refuses him as she's sworn to herself and Marian, Izz, and Rhetty, that she would although she wants nothing more than to marry Angel. Angel asks if she loves him, and she admits that she does, but she insists that she does not want to be married. He thinks she is just startled or is being coy, although it's unlike her, so he promises to give her time before asking her to marry him again. She tells him that she is too lowly for him and that his parents would be unhappy with her as his wife, which he denies in spite of its truth.

    To change the subject, Angel tells Tess about his father's encounter with Alec d'Urbervil le, and although he does not say the name, Tess knows from his descriptio n that Angel is talking about Alec. Angel has no idea that bringing up Alec will only harden Tess's resolve to refuse Angel because he knows nothing of her history with Alec. So after he tells Tess the story, he, thinking he is bringing up a new subject, asks Tess to consider marrying him, and she refuses to even consider marrying Angel because her history with Alec is fresh in her mind

    Chapter 28

    Angel asks her again why she won't marry him if she loves him as she seems to, and he refuses to accept the excuse that she is from a different social class because it does not matter to him whether she's lower class or middle class. She agrees that she will tell him what makes her unworthy of him on Sunday, and he almost mocks her in agreeing to wait because he does not believe that anyone who looks and acts as innocent as Tess could be anything but spotless. He thinks that the experience that she's worrying over will be something quite trivial that she's blown out of proportion .

    Tess, meanwhile, is so anxious that everyone leaves her alone for the rest of the week. She feels the inevitabil ity of giving in to Angel's proposal, but she thinks that it's unfair to him to let him marry her without knowing the full story of her life. Yet she is greatly tempted to marry him and be happy until he finds out about Alec. She is torn about what to do and says, "I can't bear to let anybody have him but me! Yet it is wrong Tess him, and may kill him when he knows!"

    Chapter 29

    Although Tess had been ready to give in to Angel and agree to marry him, a story told at the dairy reinforces her resolve to refuse Angel's proposal for his own good. The story she heard was about a man who married a widow for her money only to find out once they were married that when she married him, she had forfeited the money.
    From summer to September Angel subtly works on Tess, refusing to be turned down. He wins her over bit by bit and the day comes when he tells her that if she does not accept, he must leave Talbothays dairy. Tess asks for time to think during the day. That afternoon Tess and Angel take the milk to town in the wagon so they can be alone to talk

    Chapter 30

    Angel asks for Tess's answer and she tells him that she's not ready to give her explanatio n yet, but she will tell him everything before they get back to the dairy. To pass the time, Angel points to a manor house they pass and tells her that it belonged to the d'Urbervil le family long ago. Tess says nothing until they are on their way back to the dairy. She tells him about where she was born and how her parents are shiftless and lazy. She then tells him about her link to the d'Urbervil les who owned that manor such a long time ago. He thinks that her connection to the ancient d'Urbervil les is her big secret and she lets him believe it because she chickened out at the last minute and did nottell him about Alec and the trouble that her d'Urbervil le connection has caused her.
    Angel advises her to begin going by d'Urbervil le instead of Durbeyfiel d, thinking that such a connection may help his parents accept her, but Tess doesn't want to change her name. In his amusement over Tess's family connection he mentions Alec d'Urbervil le and tells her how his family assumed the name to hide that their money came from working as merchants. Seeing Tess balk at the idea of going by d'Urbervil le, Angel jokinglyte lls her that she must marry him and take his name so that she can escape her own.

    Tess finally agrees to marry him with the condition that he is sure that he's marrying her for who she is in spite of her flaws and mistakes. Angel, not knowing what he's agreeing to,tells her that he will. Tess, in tears part joy, part guilt, tells him that she must write to her mother in Marlott to tell her the news. In that moment, Angel realizes where he's seen Tess before and she says, "Yes; at that dance on the green; but you would not dance with me. O, I hope that is no ill-omen for us now!"

    Chapter 31

    Tess sends her mother a letter asking for advice about telling Angel of her seduction and the child she bore. Joan Durbeyfiel d writes back telling Tess to say nothing of it to Angel because Angel will be happier not knowing. Tess gladly follows her mother's advice and gives herself up to the joy she feels just being in love and being adored.

    Angel wants her to pick a wedding date, and although Tess hesitates to name one, Angel tells the dairyman and the dairy workers that they are engaged.
    That night Izz, Rhetty, and Marian gather around Tess in their room over the milk house and assure her that they don't hate her because she is the one Angel chose. They feel that she is the best one of them for him, and their kindness and honest love for Angel makes her feel guilty enough to want to tell Angel about Alec before they are married. She thinks it is really the only fair thing to do

    Chapter 32

    Angel finally corners Tess into picking December 31 as their wedding date because he is ready to move on to another branch of farming and the dairy will have enough time to find new help if they leave in late December.

    Angel plans to move on to a flour mill near the old d'Urbervil le manor, and he's rented rooms in the manor house while they are there as a surprise for Tess. Tess still wishes "[t]hat it would always be summer and autumn, and you always courting me, and always thinking as much of me as you have done through the past summertime !"
    She still doesn't know how to tell him her secret

    Chapter 33

    Tess feels more urgently that she must tell Angel about Alec when they are shopping together and some man from Tantridge recognizes her. The stranger makes a comment about the rumors about Tess's reputation and Angel punches him. The man then says that he had mistaken her for someone else to make peace, but he knows that he's right about her.
    When they return to the dairy, Tess writes a letter explaining what happened with Alec d'Urbervil le and slips it under Angel's door before she can change her mind. She waits to see what he has to say about it, but he never brings it up and the way he treats her does not change at all. As a result, she thinks he has forgiven her and she is relieved. It only occurs to her on the morning of their wedding that he might not have gotten the letter, so she goes up to his room to look for it. The letter is stuck beneath the carpet at the edge of the door. He never got it, and it is too late to tell him because they are preparing to leave for the wedding. She tries to tell him that she needs to tell him all her flaws, and he promises that they'll talk about it after the wedding.

    They have their small wedding, and Tess notices that the carriage that is taking them back to the dairy and then to their new rooms at the manor is dark and scary-looking.An gel makes some reference to a legend about the d'Urbervil le family and carriages, but she doesn't know the story. Angel thinks it's a bad time to tell her that one of her ancestors killed someone in a carriage and the story is that d'Urbervil les see the carriage before something bad happens to them, soTess goes on ignorant of the story but dreading having to tell Angel about Alec and her past.

    As Tess and Angel are leaving the dairy, a rooster crows in the afternoon, and all the dairy workers are disturbed because country people believe that to be a bad omen

    Chapter 34

    Their luggage arrives from the dairy along with the news that Rhetty tried to drown herself and Marian got horribly drunk soon after Tess and Angel left. Tess knows that in fairness to the dairymaids who loved Angel to such an extent, she must tell him about her past so that he may leave her for one of them if his feelings for her are changed. Before she can tell him, however, he confesses that he had an affair with a woman in London when he was younger. He assures her that he's never done anything like that since then and begs her forgivenes s. He says that he wanted to tell her many times in fairness, but "[he] did not mention it because [he] was afraid of endangerin g [his] chance of [her], . . . the great prize of [his] life."
    Tess is eager to forgive him because now she knows that he'll forgive her the same thing. She tells him about how a man seduced and took advantage of her, but she does not reveal whom it was
    All good things come to an end...

  2. #2


    شكرا يانور على هذا المجهود الرائع والمتميز فى نفس الوقت

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2009


    Thanks alot
    لا اله الا الله ........سي دنا محمد رسول الله :smile:

  4. #4
    VIP الصورة الرمزية nour
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009


    you are welcome
    thanks for your comments
    All good things come to an end...

  5. #5

  6. #6


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المواضيع المتشابهه

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