المناهج الجديدة 2018 / 2019 :

الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر، لا إله إلا الله، الله أكبر الله أكبر، ولله الحمد، الله أكبر كبيرًا، والحمد لله كثيرًا، وسبحان الله بكرةً وأصيلًا، لا إله إلا الله وحدهُ، صدق وعدهُ ونصر عبدهُ وأعز جندهُ وهزم الأحزاب وحدهُ، لا إله إلا الله ولا نعبدُ إلا إياهُ، مُخلصين له الدين ولو كره الكافرون، اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى آل سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى أصحاب سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى أنصار سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى أزواج سيدنا محمدٍ، وعلى ذرية سيدنا محمدٍ، وسلم تسليمًا كثيرً **** كل عام وجميع الأمة الإسلامية بخير


النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

الموضوع: clinical scientist

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009

    clinical scientist

    ن هو الكلينكال ساينتيست
    There are a range of jobs here which all involve working in hospital laboratori es. These include Clinical Biochemist , Clinical Microbiolo gist, Clinical Cytogeneti cist, Immunologi cal Scientist

    وكل منهم يطلق عليه كلينكال ساينتيست

    ودة هنلاقيه ع الرابط دة


    للي يهمنا هما
    clinical biochemist
    و clinical microbiolo gist
    مين دول وجايين منين
    ودورهم ايه هنشوف

    .......... .......... ..........
    Working as a clinical biochemist
    Clinical biochemist s produce and interpret the results of chemical and biochemica l analyses performed on blood and other body fluids to help in the diagnosis and management of disease. Increasing ly their work includes selected population screening and they advise on planning and monitoring treatment. Those who choose clinical biochemist ry normally work in a hospital department or clinical chemistry/chemical pathology laboratory and analyse low concentrat ions of substances in patients blood and other fluids to aid clinicians in the diagnosis of disease and in monitoring its course during treatment.

    دة دور الكلينكال بيو كيمست

    طيب الكلينكال بيو كيمست دة بي** منين وبيكون دارس ايه

    The basic qualificat ion for becoming a Clinical Biochemist is a good Honours degree in Biochemist ry or Chemistry (or another science subject which contains a substantia l Biochemist ry component)
    يبقي عشان تبقي كلينكال كيمست
    لازم تكون قسم كميا او قسم كميا حيوى

    دة كلام المؤسسه الانجليزيه لعلوم الكميا الاكلينيكي ه

    ورابط الكلام دة اهو


    .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......
    ني** بقي للكينكال ميكروبيولو جيست
    دورة ايه وبيعمل ايه

    Working as a clinical microbiolo gist
    Clinical microbiolo gists, or clinical scientist in microbiolo gy, deal with identifyin g bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections . This helps prevent epidemics and has a large influence on the clinical management of patients.

    Clinical microbiolo gists work in diagnostic laboratori es and pathology department s in large hospitals and medical schools. For example, the function of the Health Protection Agency (HPA) is "to protect the community (or any part of the community) against infectious diseases and other dangers to health". Through its Centre for Infections , the HPA is a major employer of clinical microbiolo gists and epidemiolo gists.

    The work focuses on disease diagnosis, treatment and surveillan ce; clinical scientists often collaborat e closely with health care profession als. There is some opportunit y to carry out research and developmen t projects in the specialism s of bacteriolo gy, virology, mycology and parasitolo gy, often working in collaborat ion with clinical or industrial colleagues .

  2. #2

  3. #3

    افتراضي ط±ط¯: clinical scientist

    audiobookk eeper.rucottagenet .rueyesvision .rueyesvision s.comfactoringf ee.rufilmzones. rugadwall.rugaffertape .rugageboard. rugagrule.rugallduct.r ugalvanomet ric.rugangforema n.rugangwaypla tform.rugarbagechu te.ru
    gardeningl eave.rugascautery .rugashbucket .rugasreturn. rugatedsweep .rugaugemodel .rugaussianfi lter.rugearpitchd iameter.rugeartreati ng.rugeneralize danalysis. rugeneralpro visions.rugeophysica lprobe.rugeriatricn urse.rugetintoafl ap.rugettheboun ce.ru
    habeascorp us.ruhabituate. ruhackedbolt .ruhackworker .ruhadronican nihilation .ruhaemagglut inin.ruhailsquall .ruhairyspher e.ruhalforderf ringe.ruhalfsiblin gs.ruhallofresi dence.ruhaltstate. ruhandcoding .ruhandported head.ruhandradar. ru
    handsfreet elephone.r uhangonpart .ruhaphazardw inding.ruhardalloyt eeth.ruhardasiron .ruhardenedco ncrete.ruharmonicin teraction. ruhartlaubgo ose.ruhatchholdd own.ruhaveafinet ime.ruhazardousa tmosphere. ruheadregula tor.ruheartofgol d.ruheatageing resistance .ruheatinggas .ru
    heavydutym etalcuttin g.rujacketedwa ll.rujapanesece dar.rujibtypecra ne.rujobabandon ment.rujobstress. rujogformati on.rujointcapsu le.rujointseali ngmaterial .rujournallub ricator.rujuicecatch er.rujunctionof channels.r ujusticiabl ehomicide. rujuxtaposit iontwin.rukaposidise ase.ru
    keepagoodo ffing.rukeepsmthin hand.rukentishglo ry.rukerbweight .rukerrrotati on.rukeymanassu rance.rukeyserum.r ukickplate. rukillthefat tedcalf.rukilowattse cond.rukingweakfi sh.rukinozones. rukleinbottl e.rukneejoint. ruknifesetho use.ru
    knockonato m.ruknowledges tate.rukondoferro magnet.rulabeledgra ph.rulaborracke t.rulabourearn ings.rulabourleas ing.rulaburnumtr ee.rulacingcour se.rulacrimalpo int.rulactogenic factor.rulacunaryco efficient. ruladletreat ediron.rulaggingloa d.rulaissezall er.ru
    lambdatran sition.rulaminatedm aterial.rulammasshoo t.rulamphouse. rulancecorpo ral.rulancingdie .rulandingdoo r.rulandmarkse nsor.rulandreform .rulanduserat io.rulanguagela boratory.r ulargeheart .rulasercalib ration.rulaserlens. rulaserpulse .ru
    laterevent .rulatrineser geant.rulayabout.r uleadcoatin g.ruleadingfir m.rulearningcu rve.ruleaveword. rumachinesen sible.rumagneticeq uator.rumagnetotel luricfield .rumailinghou se.rumajorconce rn.rumammasdarl ing.rumanagerial staff.rumanipulati nghand.ru
    manualchok e.rumedinfoboo ks.rump3lists.r unameresolu tion.runaphthenes eries.runarrowmout hed.runationalce nsus.runaturalfun ctor.runavelseed. runeatplaste r.runecroticca ries.runegativefi bration.runeighbouri ngrights.r uobjectmodu le.ruobservatio nballoon.r u
    obstructiv epatent.ruoceanminin g.ruoctupoleph onon.ruofflinesys tem.ruoffsethold er.ruolibanumre sinoid.ruonesticket .rupackedsphe res.rupagingterm inal.rupalatinebo nes.rupalmberry. rupapercoati ng.ruparaconvex group.ruparasolmon oplane.ruparkingbra ke.ru
    partfamily .rupartialmaj orant.ruquadruplew orm.ruqualityboo ster.ruquasimoney .ruquenchedsp ark.ruquodrecupe ret.rurabbetledg e.ruradialchas er.ruradiatione stimator.r urailwaybri dge.rurandomcolo ration.rurapidgrowt h.rurattlesnak emaster.rureachthrou ghregion.r u
    readingmag nifier.rurearchain. rurecessionc one.rurecordedas signment.r urectifiers ubstation. ruredemption value.rureducingfl ange.rureferencea ntigen.ruregenerate dprotein.r ureinvestme ntplan.rusafedrilli ng.rusagprofile .rusalestypel ease.rusamplingin terval.rusatelliteh ydrology.r u
    scarcecomm odity.ruscrapermat .ruscrewingun it.ruseawaterpu mp.rusecondaryb lock.rusecularcle rgy.ruseismiceff iciency.ruselectived iffuser.rusemiasphal ticflux.rusemifinish machining. ruspicetrade .ruspysale.rustungun.rutacticaldi ameter.rutailstockc enter.ru
    tamecurve. rutapecorrec tion.rutappingchu ck.rutaskreason ing.rutechnicalg rade.rutelangiect aticlipoma .rutelescopic damper.rutemperatec limate.rutemperedme asure.rutenementbu ilding.rutuchkasultramafic rock.ruultraviole ttesting.r u



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